• World-Class Architectural Glass Provider

Low-E IGUs

Low-E IGUs

Low-E IGUs, or low-emissivity insulating glass units, are an advanced type of insulated glass unit that are designed to reduce energy consumption and improve the comfort of buildings. Here are some key aspects of Low-E IGUs.

Basic Information

Low-E IGUs consist of two or more panes of glass separated by a sealed air space.The space between the glass panes is filled with an insulating gas, such as argon or krypton, to improve the insulating properties.One or more of the glass panes has a thin coating of metal or metal oxide, which reflects infrared energy back into the room.The coating is applied using a process called sputtering or pyrolytic deposition.


Low-E IGUs have a low thermal conductivity, which reduces heat transfer through the window.They can significantly reduce energy consumption and lower heating and cooling costs. Low-E coatings can block up to 99% of UV radiation, reducing fading and damage to furnishings.They can also reduce glare and improve the comfort of a room.


Low-E IGUs can help to reduce the environmental impact of buildings by reducing energy consumption.They can improve the comfort of a building by reducing drafts, hot spots, and cold spots.Low-E coatings can protect furnishings and artwork from fading and damage caused by UV radiation.


Lower energy costs and improved comfort can result in significant savings for building owners and occupants.Low-E coatings can help to protect furnishings and artwork, reducing the need for replacement or restoration.Using Low-E IGUs can contribute to sustainability and environmental stewardship.


Low-E IGUs are suitable for a wide range of applications, including residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.They can be used in windows, skylights, and other glazed areas.Low-E coatings are available in a range of performance levels, making them suitable for different climates and building designs.